Corbin Estates Law is a practice dedicated to providing leadership in estate law. In practice for more than 36 years, Barry Corbin offers legal assistance in the following areas:
- Advises on and implements tax and estate plans for individuals and owner/operators of private businesses;
- Acts as solicitor for estate trustees on all aspects and stages of estate administration;
- Acts as estate trustee during litigation;
- Advises estate trustees and attorneys on their obligations and beneficiaries on their rights;
- Provides opinions on will and trust interpretations;
- Provides opinions on the validity of, and entitlement under, beneficiary designations for life insurance, RRSPs and RRIFs;
- Advises matrimonial lawyers regarding tax, trust and estate matters respecting property and support issues.
- Complementing his legal practice, Barry has been a results-oriented mediator in contentious trust and estate disputes for more than 28 years.